Version 0.3.9
- Created a new beer recipe that can be brewed by anyone, very cheap and not very tasty, but it can use mushrooms & any fruit.
- Created a new vegetarian mushroom gravy recipe.
- Created an incinerator and a crafting recipe to incinerate corpses.
- Fixed a bug with bruising.
- Fixed a typo on SuppliOS jumpsuits.
- Fixed typos related to various commands.
- You will now get a buzz on your PDA when you have a new notification in your inbox.
- Added the RENAME command for DATAPAD, allowing you to rename your open CommNet object, if you have editing permissions.
- Added the ability to delete your own account.
- Fixed a bug where you could register accounts named blank.
- Fixed a bug where you could unfollow CommNet objects you were not following.
- Added a logout command to PDAs.
- Fixed a bug with the published date showing wrong when accessing a node.