Feature Update (0.1.15c)

This week, we continued our work into the kernels and CrushOS. The system is shaping up rather well and we're excited to show you all the progress!

This week, Rune was a little bit busy with the baptism of their nephew whom he is a godfather for, so the weekend was a bit slow, but nevertheless we got some good progress!

Kernel Emotes

We have made a system that allows to handle kernel emotes. We've updated most of our kernel commands to use these where appropriate!

Auditing Emote
Storing Emote
Withdrawing Emote

This is available on any kernel.

Set Command

You can now set buy and sell prices for different minerals.

In the above screenshot, you can see the set command being utilized to set the price of copper, both for purchasing and buying. In the above screenshot, the vendor plans to buy and sell each mineral with a profit of 1 credit. The prices above are only for reference, naturally!

You can see the evolution that the audit command has had during the week.

Bug Fixing

We fixed a bug with loading the weight of objects. When a reboot was happening, the weight was not being loaded properly. It has been fixed!

There was also a serious bug related to saving objects that were automatically created. For instance, mineable chunks. Since, upon creation, they did not yet have a db id, saving its parts (such as the material) was not persisting. We've fixed this by making the object remain dirty until all the parts are properly saved.

What's Next?

This coming week, we will make a command to weight the contents in the storage of a machine and provide a price based on the values set in the machine.

We might also make commands to set the wallet for transactions on a machine.

With good luck, we might be done or close to done on the system!