Feature Update (0.1.15b)
This week was spent working on CrushOS, a general-purpose machine for the storage, selling and purchasing of mineral ores. We've worked to implement four key commands: help, audit, store and withdraw. We'll explore them in this blog post!
This week was spent working on CrushOS, a general-purpose machine for the storage, selling and purchasing of mineral ores. We've worked to implement four key commands: help, audit, store and withdraw. We'll explore them in this blog post!
Kernel Internal Data
This week, we implemented a system that can persist internal data in a kernel device. This allows free-form data to be persisted in these systems.
CrushOS Conditions

CrushOS has a set of requirements that need to be met before the Operating System of the kernel can function properly; we have made it not function if it doesn't meet these conditions. In the screenshot above, you can see one such!

Permissions are an integral part of kernel functioning. Owners can access extra commands to tweak the functioning of the machine or get information about it.
Here is an example of the help command if you are an owner of a machine.

Storing Materials & Auditing

The store command lets you store any items that are currently in the machine's contents. The audit command will show you all the details of a machine; in this case, it shows what is stored in side (for now).
Withdrawing Materials
We have made a withdraw command that lets the owner of a CrushOS machine handle its storage.
In this screenshot, you can see the syntax and some error handling:

Here you can see a material being withdrawn successfully. Please note that we're still working on the emotes that will be printed by the machine when it processes the ore and spits out a cube:

But here you can see the cube in the machine, properly stored:

And in this screenshot, you can see that the weight, description and material are properly set in the material.

CrushOS is capable of processing any kind of object that has a material, so if the cube is in the storage, it will process it back:

What's Next?
We're going to be testing the existing functionality and see how it's feeling.
I want to add some nice emotes to the various processes of CrushOS, but the way the kernel is processing the message queue it doesn't allow it for now. I'm going to try to tweak things since I think this functionality is important.
There is also a bug related to weight & material that I want to get fixed this week.
At some point, we need to get started with a command to set the buy and sell price for materials in a CrushOS kernel.
Then, if we get the time, I want to do a command to weight and value the contents in the storage of the machine, and the command to sell – or buy – materials.
If we get that done this week, this CrushOS functionality would be finally done! Hopefully we can get it!