Rules of Untold Dawn
You are required to read, understand and accept all rules in this document in order to play Untold Dawn.
Untold Dawn staff reserve the right to update this document - rule updates will be announced on the forums and it is the responsibility of the players to read and acknowledge the new rules to continue playing.
Untold Dawn is a free-to-play multiplayer text-based game in which roleplay is required. To be able to access Untold Dawn, you must receive a play invitation by the Untold Dawn staff. This can be obtained via our Discord channel when we are accepting new player applications.
Playing Untold Dawn is a privilege and those who breech the outlined rules will find their access rescinded.
Untold Dawn is a game intended for mature audiences. By playing, you verify that you are over 18 years of age AND meet the age requirement for your region.
Players of Untold Dawn have the freedom to describe individual body parts of their characters. By accepting these rules, you acknowledge their may be occasions you will be exposed to descriptions suitable for mature audiences, though live play of adult scenarios requires full consent at the time of play.
All written or conceptual content that you provide to Untold Dawn while playing or assisting as staff remains the property of the Untold Dawn. You agree to provide the FULL RIGHTS of any written material you provide.
In Character and Out of Character
The game distinguishes between in character communication and out of character communication.
Out of Character (OOC) channels are those where players are not expected to remain in character and speak as themself, the player.
In Character (IC) channels are those where the players are expected to roleplay their character to the best of their abilities and remain in character.
OOC Channel Rules
The Untold Dawn community is a safe space for every player. By entering our exclusive community for high quality roleplay, you agree to respect all of its members.
While you are in Out of Character channels, you must be respectful to others. Players should feel welcome in this community; any form of OOC discrimination or toxicity may result in a community ban.
Insulting members of the community in private communications is also forbidden, and players should feel supported to report such behaviour to staff via our discord ticketing system.
IC Roleplay Standards
Untold Dawn prides itself in high quality roleplay standards. While using 'In Character' channels, roleplay is strictly enforced. If you detect a player who is not roleplaying a situation, you should stay in character, blame the 'cryo sickness' and report the situation to staff afterwards while remaining respectful to new players. New players may then be guided and supported by staff. You are encouraged to assist any new players via the local OOC channel though this should be done in a low traffic area and not mid scene. area that is not a high play location or mid sc
Acting in an OOC manner while using IC mediums is strictly forbidden and may result in a community ban.
Local OOC is for necessary communication between players, such as announcing AFK moments, requesting fade of scenes or clarifying mishaps. It is not there for OOC discussion or the berating of another player. If a player feels vicitimized by local OOC channels, they should open a discord ticket to report this to staff. Misuse of this channel may result in a community ban.
'Quitting out' of a scene to avoid consequences will result in investigation into the scene. The only exclusion to this rule, is if you suspect a breech of rules.
Realistic roleplay is expected and enforced. Accidents and injuries must be roleplayed in full, even when alone. If you are involved in a car crash which breaks your leg you shouldn't be dancing in a bar an hour later.
It is not allowed to perform actions that would not be possible in real life. You are expected to be realistic in your roleplay. For example, if your character has average strength, he should not be lifting weights that break national world records, or lifting entire vehicles.
Your roleplayed actions need to be realistic; Wearing five oxygen masks one top of the other may provide coded benefits but would be classed as abusing the code as realistically no advantage would be provided by this. Report any logic bugs in the forums and avoid taking advantage of them.
It is forbidden to force actions, thoughts and feelings upon another player. For example, it is forbidden to tell another character how they would feel in your emote. Your emotes should focus on YOUR actions and allow other players to emote theirs.
Metagaming involves using Out-of-Character (OOC) information to influence anything In-Character (IC).
You are allowed to discuss about the game with other members of the community, and Untold Dawn has no intention to police the private communications of other players in relationship of the game. If you wish to discuss every action your character has taken with another player, you are free to do so, as long as there is an agreement to share that information.
You should not share IC information in public OOC channels, when people in the channel have not consented to receive that information. For example, going on the public Discord of Untold Dawn and talking about your current exploits is forbidden. If everyone in your story is dead, or you get express approval from the Untold Dawn to tell that story, you are able to do so.
You are NOT to reveal the characters of players to other players without their permission (Outing the characters of other players.)
While you and another player will not be penalized for discussing in private communication about the exploits of your character, if an OOC conversation changes the course of the IC roleplay, you will be metagaming and for this reason we strongly discourage it. It often spoils stories and kills plotlines.
Providing in-character (IC) information to another player using out-of-character (OOC) means in order to shape the play, is forbidden, as is acting on or passing on information IC that you discovered using OOC means.
Here are some examples of actions that breach this rule:
- You jump on a Discord voice chat or use a Discord text chat to coordinate your actions during an IC expedition or PVP scenario.
- Using voice chat or private comms to take decisions in game without discussing them out of character.
- You get killed, and then you use your friend to tell your new character about it so that you can seek revenge with this new character.
Any occurrence of metagaming is a serious breach of the spirit of the game and may result in a community ban.
Untold Dawn is not a hack and slash. Player Killing (PK) is supported only when carefully considered. PKing without a very good reason will result in your access to the game being rescinded and the roleplay retconned.
While the game is permadeath, player killing is not the point of this game. While player killing is allowed in situations that make sense, it should be carefully.
If you feel you are the victim of griefing, keep calm, open a ticket, report the situation and provide logs. In situations that make no sense, we will retcon the scene.
Sexual Content
Any roleplay which includes illegal sexual acts as defined by US or European laws is strictly forbidden and will result in an immediate ban. If a player suspects a scene is containing something which breeches these rules, they are requested to quit immediately and notify staff. These rules include rape roleplay, even if all parties consent OOCly to it.
Consent must be voluntarily given both by the player, OOCly, AND the character. Character's must not be coerced, persuaded, bribed or otherwise convinced to engage in sexual roleplay that they initially appear reluctant to, and neither must the player.
Your character may not be under the age of eighteen. You may not describe a character who appears to be under eighteen, all characters will be adult in age AND appearance.
All sexual scenes must consented to by ALL present parties as soon as the scene breeches anything that of that would require a mature audience. Local OOC should be used to give consent. If any player present does not give their OOC consent, or denies consent entirely, the scene -must- be faded and all sexual content assumed, if the non-consenting party remains present. Breaking of this rule will result in an immediate ban.
Parties can use local OOC to request a 'fade to black' scenario if preferred, or to require graphic nature to be reduced to summary emoting. No negative repercussions must follow a players request to fade or withdraw from a scene, and if a player suspects this, they should report it to staff for investigation.
Players found to be encroaching on the comfort of other players will find themselves forbidden from engaging in sexual roleplay.
Sexual roleplay must occur in an avoidable setting to reduce the chances of other players stumbling across the roleplay, such as locked private rooms. In the future, Untold Dawn will provide coded ways to flag areas as 'consented' (such as strip clubs or sex work locations).
Staff Rules
Staff members may not play characters while they are active on the staffing roster (GM duties and NPC puppeting) - this rule does not include builders or strictly coders. They are instead to puppet Non-Player Characters (NPC).
Staff members are encouraged to take regular breaks from the active roster, in order to play the game.
NPC's are forbidden from engaging in sexual roleplay with PC's.
*By connecting to Untold Dawn you give permission for all scenes to be logged.*