Building Projects

Anyone that wishes to build or renovate a building will need to go through the motions described in this guide.

Client Guide

If you desire to begin a construction project, the first step is to approach the Chief Engineer of the MBC to get approval for the project. This can be done by requesting an animation.

You should explain to the NPC exactly what kind of project you desire to make and where.

In general, projects are OOCly vetted for their viability with the theme. If you are simply wishing to make realistic renovations to a space you own, it's likely your project will get the green light. However, if you simply desire to make a new city in a separate location, this kind of requests might get denied because they could affect the gameplay of the entire world (in that specific case, it would divide the playerbase). We will do our best to provide you with a clear reason either IC or OOC if your project gets denied. If you feel wrongly about your project being denied, please feel free to wish for a discussion on it.

After your project is approved by the Chief Engineer or the MBC, you can approach a programming specialist. This can either be an unemployed player, or someone that works with Stroitel Ventures. They will be handling the construction project for you. Tell them the location, answer any questions they have. The engineer will likely ask you to pay them or give you access to a wallet that has enough funds to pay for the materials required. This is never exact, and sometimes projects can cost more than expected, or less.

Engineer Guide

This page is meant as a tutorial for engineers with the programming skill, but is also helpful for anyone wishing to embark on a building project.

As an engineer, when you are approached by a client for a project, you should survey the area. Ideally, you can include in your costs the price of hiring people to escort you, survey the land, etcetera. You are a programmer, after all! Feel free to roleplay this as you see fit and spice it up a bit. A role you can have as a construction site engineer is to generate roleplay.

Once you survey the land, please wish up for staff or consult with staff to get a construction site created at the location. The site will be owned by you. You can set a TDESC on it, and PROGRAM it, or defer permissions to other people.

If you type program <site> you will see something like this:

> program construction
Project Wallet (Programming 6): fa00206a70240b6a5093ce1a4cb4562746183987ab56573784c9747f582a051c
Construction Type (Programming 6): small room
Valid construction types are: unset, small room, illumination, major structure, small device,
You can program the drones to work.
You examine a construction site (#189) carefully.
You can program the memory to clear to clear it (Programming 6).

Staff will likely have set the construction type already. If you change this value, all your materials will be lost. You will need to set the project wallet to the wallet that you have agreed with the client to cover the costs of miners.

It is recommended that you begin drafting the descriptions and you open a request with staff to workshop anything else needed on their side. Staff will need to vet your descriptions to make sure they fit the theme. The earlier this request is done, the better, unless you are fine with delays on our end.

After this is done, you or the client will need to advertise to other characters so they go and mine or collect the resources required to finish the construction project.

You can look at the construction site to assess if it is full of materials or not.

Once the construction site is full of materials, you can type program drones on <site> to work to begin work on this construction project. This process can take RL days and has a one real life date cooldown. When you proceed with a day's work of the construction site, it is expected that you roleplay. It is recommended to include other players, and suggested that you update the TDESC of the site to reflect the progress being made. Up to you!

Once the construction site is done, notify staff and they will create or set what ever needs setting and delete the site.